About Me

I'm somewhat introverted, I'm a voracious reader, and I love a good conversation. My interests and activities can be found on the right side of the page. My life goal is to use the gifts and talents God has bestowed on me to glorify Him and benefit others.

Friday, November 9, 2007

"What Are You Gonna Do Today, Napoleon?" "Whatever The Flip I Feel Like Doing, Gosh!!!"

It's been a long time since I've posted (almost a month). This is a consequence of the school-and-work-related stress I'm under right now, which is also a large part of the body of this post.

So, as I sit here at my computer, fumbling a bit with the more compact and less familiar keyboard of a laptop while listening to Freddie Mercury sing "Bohemian Rhapsody," (seriously, after listening to him sing every other rock singer suddenly seems like an amateur, lol) in the back of my mind hover thoughts of daunting homework assignments. I'm spending Sunday with my gf, and so that leaves the rest of tonight, a good deal of tomorrow, and a good portion of Monday to complete my Computer Literacy and Spanish assignments. Luckily, I was able to complete some of my Spanish homework last night (another one bites the dust!!!-which is Queen's finest song in my opinion, but that's beside the point). ;-)- Anyways, I'm getting an A in Computer Literacy and Math. In fact, I got an A in my latest Math exam, which made me very very happy. I kinda obsess over my hw as of late, I think. It's always on my mind, which is never fun. In fact, it's so much on my mind that I think I will stop talking about it and turn my attention to something else, thank you very much. ;-)-

Back to classic rock. I honestly think the classic artists such as Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen and the like are the best music that ever was and ever will be. You just can't find music as good anymore. It seems to me that this music is so much easier to relate to than the stuff that'sut out today, even though today's stuff is from my generation. Back in the day, there were love songs that, it seems to me, most people could relate to. Now, we have shock rockers like Marilyn Manson and Korn, who explicitly advocate murder, suicide, and hateful thinking. It just seems crazy that thirty years we had love songs (and sure, songs about drugs and sex as well, which aren't all that great), but now the artists who top the charts sell hateful idealogies, full of cussing and drugs and violence to millions around the globe. I guess it all had to do with "the downward spin of this planet," as my gf refers to the steady moral decline that characterizes our society.
But anyway, rap and emo will eventually pass away, while these rock gods of the past generation (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, etc.) continue to inhabit the stereos of kids thirty years later. They have a kind of longevity that I don't think the majority of our artists will ever have, no matter how much time passes.

Anyway, there's my little lecture on music. Let's see, what else is there to post about...oh yes, I'm very much looking forward to the release of Showbread's fourth album, sometime in the Spring. It's been titled Anorexia Nervosa, and is actually two discs containing a total of 24 tracks, according to their website. They say that it is different from AOR (which loyal members of the Reptilian Empire know wasn't very well recieved), as well as No Sir, Nihilism Is Not Practical. The sweet part is that it is actually the sound track to a story that constitutes the two ten-chapter booklets of the album. Knowing that Josh Dies is a suspense/horror writer as well as lead singer/screamer of the band, it should be very interesting to see what they came up with. I can't wait. Raw rock kills forever. ;-)-

Anyways, umm...I know I should have more to write about, but I don't know where to start...
been kinda quiet lately (I mean, more than usual. ;-)- Not much goes on in a small town, and my life is somewhat boring. I've been struggling more again with the prob I outlined in Conformity vs. Popularity. I think that Satan keeps beating me over the head with the idea that I don't have anything to offer. My iPod, books, manga, and movies are my constant companion as a result, but I've been making greater strides into the realm of the sociable!!! I got to help out with an outreach for single parents at my college recently, which was cool. Hey, are there any of you out there who are obsessed w/ the Matrix movies, Ted Dekker books, loud Christian music, Napoleon Dynamite, manga, LOST, or Aikido??? If so, drop by and show some love!!! It'd be AWESOME to connect w/ people who share these interests of mine. ;-)-

Anyways, I'm out.


P.S. TFK rocks! I didn't use to like their album The Art of Breaking, but it sort of grew on me.
Hurt, Hand Grenade, and Hit the Floor are some of my fave tracks.

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