About Me

I'm somewhat introverted, I'm a voracious reader, and I love a good conversation. My interests and activities can be found on the right side of the page. My life goal is to use the gifts and talents God has bestowed on me to glorify Him and benefit others.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Componenets Of A Spiritual Fitness Test.

So, the last few weeks have been rather stressful.

First, a couple weeks ago I accidently overdosed on Codeine. I woke up in horrible pain, barely able to breathe. I contemplated calling an ambulance, but as it slowly got better I nixed that idea and went back to bed. The next morning I discovered I had accidentally overdosed. Apparently if I'd taken much more I could have died. Obviously, there is a loving God in heaven. ;-)-

Also, my brother moved out yesterday, along with two friends, into his newly purchased apartment. So, I am on the cusp of adjusting to life with just Mom and me.

Additionally, I'm worried about a few of my friends, who I haven't heard back from in a while.
With the economic crisis, it is doubtful that my Mom will be able to keep our house, where I've lived for the past 12 or so years. I don't make nearly enough money to move out on my own yet, being in school and only working part time. My Dad wants to buy the house from my Mom. That's still up in the air.

After this coming spring semester, I will graduate with an associate of arts degree. After the summer and intercession, I will also have earned my AS degree. I need to start visiting colleges. My best friend Joel and I are going to look at colleges together. We think it would be awesome if we could be roommates.

So, I have a lot revolving around the orbit of my mental cosmos. God is my strength in weakness, the everlasting hope in times of trouble. "Pray that I will continue to proclaim the gospel fearlessly, as I should."

God Bless.


1 comment:

Corby said...

I think I know how you feel. That feeling that you truly don't have any control on what is happening in your life. Nothing seems set in stone or predictable, changing suddenly and leaving you unbalanced emotionally and possibly even physically and spiritually. A pretty discouraging and disheartening feeling.

The chunk I read in "Walking With God" today was about some of his thoughts after he was thrown off the horse and how he couldn't approach life the way he wanted to. This led into the subject that we are looking at the wrong places for life; all the unsteady, unpredictable, ever changing things of this world, when we should really be looking to God for life. Allowing him to use us for his glory and in the end it is best for us. Pages 85 to 92 I think. I know you've read them already but it just came to mind when I read your blog. Praying for you bro! Stay strong in Christ! I'll be praying that God gives you wisdom and discernment for His will in your life (the passage I read today in the Bible was where Solomon asks the Lord for wisdom). Take everything before Christ! Hope to see you again face to face soon!

Your friend and brother in Christ,
Corey <><